旧モデル エプソン プロジェクター EB-W420 3000lm WXGA 2.4kgについて
3LCD搭載でカラーが明るく投写できる。 「ピタッと補正」に対応。 「スライド式ヨコ台形補正」機能搭載で、ストレスなく投写画面の台形を補正。 斜めからでも投写が可能(左右30℃まで) コンパクトで持ち運びもらくらく、小型サイズ&重さ2.4kg。 USBケーブルを差し込むだけで映像・音声を転送、リモコンでのマウス操作が可能になる「3in1」にも対応。 コンパクトで持ち運びもらくらく、小型サイズ&重さ2.4kg。
旧モデル エプソン プロジェクター EB-W420 3000lm WXGA 2.4kg 口コミ
The Epson EB-W420 is a great projector that you can now find used on Amazon for a reasonable price. Instead of buying a cheap Chinese projector, I think most people would be better off buying one of these older Epson projectors like the EB-W420. The quality compared to Chinese brands is significantly better.Until recently, I was using an Artlii Enjoy 2 projector for watching movies and gaming. The quality of the projector is pretty good, but like most Chinese projectors, it had a very low number of lumens. Unless I was using it at night or in a completely dark room, I really couldn’t see the projected image during the day time. Fortunately, the Epson EB-W420 has 3000 ANSI lumens, so I can watch it during the daytime even with all the curtains open.Also, the picture quality is really nice. It doesn’t support 4k or Full HD, but it does look quite nice with a resolution of 1280×800. Projected at 100 inches, the screen looks really good with only minimal blurriness.Moreover, it works really well for gaming with a relatively low input lag. I tested the input lag of the projector by using an HDMI splitter to compare it with my ASUS MX279 gaming monitor. The ASUS monitor has an average input lag of about 5ms, and the Epson projector has an input lag that is about 3-5 ms slower than the ASUS monitor. So in total the projector has an input lag that is about 10 ms. This is a perfectly acceptable latency rating for gaming.The only minor negative points that I can think of are the size and weight. The projector is a bit big and heavy. Also the fan is a little bit loud, but these are really minor points.Overall, I think this is a great value that is a good option for anyone looking for a good quality projector at a reasonable price.
内蔵スピーカーの音質が悪く 音声出力端子やステレオミニジャックは付いていません。そのため、BdレコーダーのHDMI出力から、HDMI音声分離器を使ってBose Sound Mini2に繋ぎ込んでいます。そうすれば、アンプがなくても十分な音質が得られます。
明るい部屋でも十分に見える照度とコントラスト比です。台形補正や 焦点調整も手動で十分です。