ブラザー工業 A4カラーレーザープリンター HL-L3240CDW (無線・有線LAN/両面印刷)

ブラザー工業 A4カラーレーザープリンター HL-L3240CDW (無線・有線LAN/両面印刷)について

ブラザー工業 A4カラーレーザープリンター HL-L3240CDW (無線・有線LAN/両面印刷)


基本機能:プリント 寸法:W399×D399×H239mm、重量:約15.2kg インターフェイス:USB、有線LAN、無線LAN 最大用紙サイズ:A4、最大給紙枚数:標準用紙トレイ250枚、手差しトレイ1枚 プリント速度(片面):カラー・モノクロ約26枚/分。製品寿命:約10万ページまたは7年のいずれか早い方

ブラザー工業 A4カラーレーザープリンター HL-L3240CDW (無線・有線LAN/両面印刷) 口コミ

I like the build quality of this printer. Further, the quality of print is really good and the setup wasn’t difficult. I expect that this printer will last a long time. In addition, the tray does seem to handle American-size paper (8 1/2 x 11) as well even though it suggests the maximum size is A4.


We’ve moved away from the hassles of inkjet/bubblejet printers and the cartridges and have been an adamant user of laser printers. Had a Dell color laser printer previously and it was excellent, except the model was an older revision with limited device compatibility, so we’ve decided on this Bother due to price and features and are completely satisfied. The toner lasts quite a long time, it prints double-sided, easily connected to our LAN, and is excellent in compatibility with Apple devices as well. The app and web interface open additional options for administration.

Quality product, good packaging and clear instructions.



